– How I Work –

How I Work

I offer sessions in person, over the phone or via video conference.  Each session is 45 minutes to an hour.

I guide you to delve into places within your psyche to bring about change from root causes through a strengths based approach.  This means that you will learn tools to bring your own strengths and radiance more into your life.

I use a combination of both Hypnotherapy and Parts Work.


Through hypnotherapy you are guided to a deep state of relaxation into your psyche.  Through your mind’s eye you will be able to see or feel parts of you that are ready for your attention.  You may be taken to times in your life that are subconsciously relevant to your present issues.  I support you with a trauma informed lens so great care is taken so that you feel safety when entering parts of your psyche that may feel uncomfortable.  There are many ways that transformation can occur at this point.  It can be through loving acceptance, nurture, or connection with another or nature through the imagination.  The feelings of isolation often come at challenging times shifts to connection with self.  Thus, emotional and mental states lift through the process.

Parts Work

I combine hypnotherapy with Parts Work.  Within Parts Work Therapy, trauma resolution is achieved by recognising disowned parts and listening to their voice.  Through this communication you can care and tend to these parts so that they reintegrate to grow an embodied sense of self.  These parts often come from childhood, through challenging relationships or loss.

Channeling Spirit Guides

I have a group of spirits that work with me in a healing.  They are Angels, Archangels, and Guides (the difference between Angels and Guides is that Guides have lived on Earth).  Each spirit has its own unique way of healing through energy.  During a healing I open to them so that their energy/light can be brought to you.  I am guided as to which spirit to channel and what aspects of you need healing.


Psychic and energetic protection is very important when doing Spiritual Healing.  When opening to healing light, energies that can potentially be harmful can also enter your field.  To keep you and I safe, both during and after a healing, I work with many levels of protection.

Past Life Healing

Sometimes I am directed to heal trauma that has occurred in a past life.  The feeling and sometimes the story of that life becomes clear during the session.  Healing past lives can give you access to the gifts and learnings you gained in that life.  It can also help you stop repeating unhelpful patterns for many lives to come.

Soul Retrieval

During traumatic events, parts of the soul can leave the body and remain separated in a state of trauma.  This is a survival mechanism that can serve at that time, when events are too traumatic to integrate.  There comes a time when you are able to reclaim those parts of yourself and this will present itself in the healing when you are ready.

Entity Removal

Entities are energetic forms that attach themselves to us across our lifetimes.  Usually we have attracted them as a survival mechanism to help absorb traumas, although there are many reasons why an entity may be present.  The healing clears them by working at the root cause of their existence. 

Moving Emotional Trauma

Most life experiences affect us emotionally.  The emotion from a traumatic event can stay in the body.  When I am working on physical or energetic wounds in the body, the emotion expresses itself, releasing as healing occurs.   You will sometimes feel this in the healing or during the following few days.

Psychic Attack

Psychic attack is a term used to describe when harmful energy is sent from one individual to another, consciously or unconsciously.  This can often come through anger or envy with an intention to harm.  This can affect a person on all levels; including physical, emotional, mental and the soul.  Through healings the harmful energy can be directed back to the person who gave it and your vulnerability and protective mechanisms can be worked on.

Anna Tuchtan

